About Us
PTO…What’s That?
The Long-Creek PTO is an independent, non-profit organization whose membership automatically includes all parents, legal guardians and staff of Long Creek Elementary.
While PTO stands for Parent-Teacher Organization, the Long Creek PTO is an organization consisting of parents, teachers, family and friends working together to support a positive scholastic experience for all Long Creek students and staff. In a broad sense, the Long Creek PTO provides assistance to teachers in classroom setting, holds fundraisers for supplemental educational materials and experiences, supports school and family social interaction, and provides a non-biased forum for sharing information on issues that impact our children.
The Long Creek PTO is managed according to its bylaws and is represented by an Executive Board consisting of President, VP of engagement, VP of operations, VP of finance and VP of communication. Officers are elected to these positions in May of each year for the following school year.
The school principal, or his/her designee, is considered a voting member of the Executive Board.
The PTO is an organization that relies on resources from our families, friends and the community to provide educational materials and events that enrich the lives of our students. While we must raise funds to operate appropriately, we want you to know that we will make every effort to keep fundraising at a minimum. Below are some of the activities that we ask you to consider supporting throughout the year:
Book fair
Spirit Nights
School Spirit Wear Sales
Special Fundraising Events (one in the Fall and one in the Spring)
The funds raised by the PTO are used in a variety of ways, all meant to benefit the social, physical and educational growth of the Long Creek Elementary community. Our primary goal is to provide the school with fun and enlightening programs as well as resources and services to support the efforts of our parents, our teachers and staff and most importantly, our students. The following are just some of the resources available free of charge as result of the funding we receive:
Educational Assistance:
Literacy and Math programs
Media Center Support including new books and materials for our students
Annual Social Events:
Movie Night
School Dance
Field Day
Teacher/Staff Support:
Quarterly Staff Meals
Staff Appreciation Week
Material Reimbursement Program
How Do I Get Involved?
Contact a board member at lces.mm.pto@gmail.com or click the link below to complete the sign up genius for the event that interests you!