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Please note: All adult volunteers must be a registered CMS volunteer.

Thank you for supporting the Long Creek PTO through your time, treasure, and talents. Our students are our first priority and it takes our entire village to ensure they are successful. We are looking forward to the upcoming academic year and the exciting new opportunities for our students. 



Long Creek Elementary PTO

Facebook users please join the Long Creek PTO Facebook group.

The group was created to provide a more personal communication and engagement opportunity for all members of the PTO. 

PTO Spirit Wear online storefront
Available until September 25th. 

Click Here

Check out our Events tab for upcoming events!


The bylaws of the Long Creek PTO were amended on May 9, 2019. Please take a minute to review them


 Subscribe and get up-to-date PTO and school happenings right in your inbox each week.


Find out why the PTO is asking for your time and resources.

Meet our board


UNSPOKEN WORDS ARE NEVER HEARD…Let us know what you think.Contact a member of the board with questions, comments or suggestions.


There are several volunteer opportunities available throughout the year.

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